Shooting a family for me is a special time for your family. Its not always easy with kids who do not want to listen, smile or can’t sit still. I like to remind parents to focus on having fun with your kids and family, we will catch lots of fun candid interaction and when they smile thats when we will swoop in for the “mom shot”. Yes the “mom shot” the one where everyone is looking at the camera at the same time, hopefully smiling. Thats the shot my mom always wanted. So when its time for your session, lets play and have fun together, the shot will come and in the meantime we are going to have a great time. Now I know your probably thinking well so and so docent smile and this Brad guy thinks he can get my kid to smile. I’m not a magician but I do have a few tricks. most importantly the kids and your spouse will be feeding off of your negative or positive vibes. It will be fun! for booking information