Father by Day, Photographer by Sunsets and Wedding Photographer by weekend

Being the dad of four kids doesn’t give you a lot of time to be making Blog posts, setting up stylized shots, marketing, Utilizing more keywords for my SEO or updating my website. Luckily kids usually are the product of two willing participants and you guessed right…. I have a wife who is by my estimations the best at everything. Even when I am sick she seems to put up with my helplessness and I feel better.

Everyday like clock work my kids are hungry uncaged animals when I pick them up from school. I made the mistake of driving them through a drive through at some fragile desperate low point in my parenting and now its an everyday question on the way home from school. My wife even convinced them that a couple restaurants are cancer causing so even if I wanted to, my kids would scream in fear that we might get cancer.

After avoiding all the flashy looking burger and taco resturaunts we usually get home without the the extra fast food luggage and make it to the kitchen. Its odd how they never seem to want the same thing and I give in to the short order cook way of life. I have seriously thought maybe I should make menus and charge a quarter for every time I am asked to get something after I already made everyone food and started to leave the room.

I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. Its the imperfect that is so perfect. Its these little personalities in a miraculous, unique, individual and each one is my kid. My wife and I are so proud to be parents of these four munchkins and we couldn’t do it without each other. Back to editing…. or maybe breaking up fight, the night is young and this weekend is just getting started. 365A8215.jpg





Orange county, Ca