Help, my newborn is growing up too fast! Babies grow, before you know it they’re 7,8,10, and 12. Thats the age of my four kids and I barely remember them as little babies, snuggled in my arms. Tiny baby hands and feet. Cute little snuggly, crying pooping hungry little babies. Well before they got a little vocal they had this super cute newborn stage.
Orange County Photographer Laura Rauch helps you save those memories. Are you putting off booking a session? Waiting until after labor and delivery, after the pregnancy to figure out pictures may be too late for photographers. We all need time to plan.
We recommend booking around 3-6 months or once your announcing it to the masses. Six months pregnant is a beautiful time for maternity photography. Your due dates are placed on the calendar. When you have the baby in the hospital and say goodbye to the delivery doctor, you’ll be headed home. After heading home thats the time for your newborn session, in the first week to two weeks top of life, (7 days old is super cute.) When the hospital room is slow and everyones kind of cleaned up and baby is doing good, that makes a great time to call and turn the calendar due date into an appointment. Dad is most likely out of work then also so coordinating schedules should be easier than waiting.
We can’t wait to hear about your pregnancy and put together a session stylized for your family. Inquire at
Twin newborn babies at Laura+Brad Photo
Twins in studio Photography is twice as fun. Your images are still delivered on time, within two weeks of your session date. We give Hi res digital images along with the print release.